Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Updated Garage Sale Info

The final amount raised, after the Grafton dump charged us an exorbitant rate of $33, some Nymboida locals grabbed late sale items and the starting float was deducted, is $941.

Many thanks again to my wonderful helpers on the day. Kim Lavery, who seems to be the first person to raise her hand to help in all things voluntary, Pat Kowal, who was the queen of style in charge of the clothing section, matching scarves with skirts and hats with blouses and Kelly McCrae.....so many thanks to you.

It was a great day for our community. I'm proud to be a New Nymboidian.

You can stay up to date by going to the financials page here

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Garage Sale Fund Raiser .. done and dusted !

The Garage Sale Fund Raiser went off, I would like to say without a hitch but there were a couple, mainly that my partner who was going to carry all the items to the Community Hall was hospitalised for 5 days the day beforehand !!! Arrrrhg !!  but some wonderful members of the community stepped up to the plate. Thank you so much Kelly and Johno from the Coaching Station and Ian Bottomly for helping drag all the gear down to the hall, and to Kelly for helping set it all up with me!

Kelly helping me set things up !

 It was so wonderful to have their help and it helped make the event even better.

Visiting Royalty, Cleopatra herself, in furry boots,
put in an appearance (nee Kelli from the Coacho) !

"Customers" swarming the tables, with a cheery waving 'Bella in the foreground !

"Customers" browsing the items on offer

Strike a pose !

We were there at the same time as the local Farmers Market and having both on together proved a boon as it was a great event all 'round.

Farmers Market Stall outside

Farmers Market stall outside

We raised about $900 or so, I am still waiting the last of the money to trickle in from promised purchases and will update the financial page with the exact amount as soon as everything is finalised and I go to town to bank the funds. You can stay up to date by going to the financials page here

A HUGE thank you to all the people who helped me and of course the wonderful, helping spirit that pervades the Nymboida Community