Monday, 25 August 2014

Buddha and new donors

New Donors

Two lovely local ladies have recently become regular donors. Thank you so much to Pat and Ruth for your generous support. All donations are used for projects where families live together and need help to further their education and employment opportunities. We now have enough regular donors to consider what our next project will be. We are investigating that now and will be researching those projects that embrace the same objectives that are of importance to us and our supporters, education, increasing skills etc

Working together

Frank Cervetto, a friend of ours from a nearby town has become a regular donor to Choice in Phnom Penh. Frank has been making Buddhas in different colours, styles and mediums which I sell at the Nymboida Markets. I then forward the money back to Frank to be paid to Choice, a lovely synergy. Below, is one of the first Buddhas which I bought for our garden. The colour has softened and now has an aged appearance which is perfect amongst ferns and shady trees. 

Buddha at rest in our garden

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Fund Raising Garage Sale in Grafton ! Sat, 23 August

A friend in Grafton, Marg McKenna is having a garage sale and decided she would like to donate the proceeds from the sale to our Cambodian Fund.  Marg has a lot of knick knacks that have been collected over the years, as well as items from relatives who have left "stuff" behind and she wants to clear the lot.  Come on over to her place, 20 Bent St, Grafton, near the main Clarence River bridge, on Saturday 23 August in the morning and help her clear her garage and help the Cambodian Organisations we support with our fund raising.

We'll update this post with a photo of the setup as Marg lays items out ! So check back on the website if you want to see what's happening !

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Market Stall Volunteers !

The local market stall is really on a roll with all proceeds going to the organisations we support. However it is sometimes difficult to find time to have a stall at every market. If there are any Nymboida locals who would like to contribute by helping us by either manning a stall from time to time or even to donate excess home grown produce, home made baked goods, home made jams pickles etc that we can sell, we'd love to hear from you.

Toni setting up at the Nymboida Market 
A huge thank you to Joan who donates homemade items that we on-sell.

We had a friend visiting from QLD for the last market who donated some of her delicious home made pesto's that were snapped up and she also took time taking some photos for us (above).  Thank you Sylvie, you are awesome :)