Jumble Fund Raising Sale This Sunday 21 June
Donations of items to Raise Funds
We have been collecting items for the sale over the last few months and our verandah has been a mine field of trip hazards but we will be transporting all of the donated items to the hall during this week. You can still drop goods off at our house, or we can collect them from you. Please contact Toni p: 6649 4263 or e: cookie1616@gmail.com if you want to help with donations.Sale Day
We will be having the jumble sale in conjunction with the Nymboida Market on 21 June a the Nymboida Community Hall. In years past our jumble sale has attracted a large number of people and with the regular crowd who enjoy the market for the social aspect this should benefit not just us but the stall holders as well.We hope to see you there !