Monday, 27 July 2015

Jumble Sale Result

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Jumble Sale.  Once again the wonderful people of Nymboida outshone themselves with their generosity.

We always have such fantastic support for these events

We made $498.80 which is alot lower than usual so we have probably exhausted the Nymboida area of donate-able items. This $500 is however, enough to pay for two years of university in Cambodia.

In the past it has been difficult disposing of the items that didn't sell. It usually involves making multiple trips to the secondhand shops in town and the CVC have in the past donated a free rubbish load. This time we were able to donate the remainder  of the items to Gurehlgam, an indigenous support group in Grafton. They will be holding a fundraising sale in the next few weeks and they were thrilled to come out and collect the remaining four ute loads. We were really pleased to pass the items on so that someone else benefits.