Wednesday, 22 March 2017

2017 Lips 'n Sync all over !

You may need to click through to the website to see the pretty pictures and videos if you are receiving this via email.  If so, just click here

Another great night of entertainment in very soggy conditions. Unfortunately many locals from across the Clarence Valley either couldn't get out, or sensibly turned back due to the flooding.... so the numbers were down but as they say, the show must go on.

Stage being set up

Hall starting to fill up on a very rainy night

Awesome buffet of delectable dishes prepared by local cooks !

Enjoying dinner !

As everyone probably knows by now, this event is held to raise funds for various charities and projects we support in Cambodia. You can read about those by going back through this blog. The way the evening works is that locals donate some wonderful meals and their time to entertain the masses by lip syncing to a favourite tune.  We play the tunes through the night on the big screen before the local stars start.

Youtube links to the original songs are below, along with links to the performances put on by the locals

Trevor and Toni performing  Promises - Baby it's You

Miwah and Aliah chose Madonna - Lucky Star

(unfortunately for copyright reasons, Youtube removed this link so it's on Vimeo here)

Bob Warner doing  Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel - Come up and See me, make me Smile

Wendy Birch, Aliah, Miwah and Shiann  ABBA - Dancing Queen

Merrell, Jenny and Laena doing  Donnalou Stevens - Older Ladies

Toni, Anni, Laena, Annie & Trevor doing  Gwen Stefani -  Hollaback Girl

We also had a surprise soliloquy from Andrew Robinson.


After paying for raffle prizes and hall rental, we ended up raising $729.30. We had $200 in donations from some of the people who couldn't make it on the night because of the rain, which was unexpected but appreciated.

Hopefully everyone had an awesome night and we hope to see you next year. The event just keeps getting bigger and better each year with this one being the third so far !

Big big thanks to everyone who donated meals, performed on the night and everyone who attended.


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Friday, 20 January 2017

2017 Lips 'in Sync ! Fundraising night

Plans are underway for the 2017 'Lips N Sync' fundraising night. Put the date aside for an awesome evening on 18 March 2017. The last two years events were fantastic ..... heaps of fun and will live on in the annals of Nymboida's musical history.

2015 Event

2016 Event

It's your chance to be a star! Its karaoke without the bad vocals!

Thinking of performing ?  What to do:

Email me with the name of the song you will mime, or preferably a link to the Youtube clip, dress as your artist of choice and ' work it, baby!'

Thinking of donating a meal ? What to do:

Toni is seeking donations of home cooked meals for the buffet. Please let me know if you can help out. 

Thinking of turning up for an awesome evening ?

You get a delicious smorgasbord meal, donated by awesome locals from Nymboida, and some great entertainment.  The door charge is $15 for Adults, $5 per child. All proceeds go to our projects in Cambodia.  Don't forget to BYO drinks.

You can download a flyer suitable for printing here and for email here