Monday, 7 November 2016

Wow.. what a night at Nymboida's Grand ol Oprey !

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WOW.. what a night of musical wonderment

The sublime Geordie Little

What a fantastic night this was. I mean the crowd whistling, cheering, clapping, screaming kind of fantastic. First we all enjoyed an absolutely delicious buffet prepared by our talented local gourmets followed by some of the best musical performances ever to grace the stage of the Nymboida hall.

A HUGE thank you to all the volunteers who helped organise the event, all the volunteers who came down and helped clean and set the hall up to make it a magical night. Thanks also to the culinary whizzes from all over Nymboida who donated meals for the event and Phil W for his mixing skills. Finally, thank you to the musicians who really made the night such a success. Annie and Al, locals from Nymboida, Sam.I.Am from Pillar Valley and of course the guitar virtuoso Geordie Little.


Here's a link to the photos

Videos on Youtube

And as a special treat we have links to several of the videos that were taken on the night. 

Annie and Al

Annie and Al

Unfortunately our 'cinematographer' was busy eating while Annie and Al were on stage and missed getting video of their performance ! We've spoken to him sternly about this tragedy.


Sam can be found on Facebook here

Geordie Little

and Geordie has plenty of music you can listen to on his web site here and you can follow Geordie on Instagram here

Fund Raising

The evening was a joint fund raiser for the Nymboida Community Groups Incorporated and the Cambodian charitable organisations and causes we support. So a huge thank you to everyone who attended and supported this amazing event.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Fund Raising Concert

Concert Fundraiser

We have some exciting news. We were contacted some time ago by Australian born, German based musician Geordie Little who wanted to know if we were interested in hosting a concert at the Nymboida Hall. Geordie will be touring and promoting his latest album from Adelaide to Byron Bay in October/November so we jumped at the chance and talked with the local Community Group, NCGI, as well as some of our wonderful local musicians Tommy Feather and Annie & Al, to turn it into a great night.

When and Where

6:00pm Friday 4th November at Nymboida Hall. A buffet will be available with yummy food donated by locals to help us raise funds for the various projects we support in Cambodia and NCGI. 


Bookings are essential for catering purposes.
Tickets are $10 per head. Buffet dinner $10 per head.
You can book by contacting Toni on 6643 4263 or via email

Donated Meals

If any locals want to help with a donated meal for the buffet, please contact Toni on 6649 4263 or via email

Cambodia Visit

As a reminder, we will be visiting Cambodia in February 2017 along with one of our long term donors. Its really exciting to be able to share our projects with our donors to reinforce that the donations are really making a difference.  Its not only important for us to see how the projects we support are going but also to catch up with the teachers, families and students that we support.
If any of our supporters would like to tag along on the trip with us just let us know.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Long time no post

We apologise for being shoddy with the updates but things are going along so smoothly that there's not much to report.

  Both University students that we support are well and their study is ongoing. Sok Mong will be sitting his final exams next week and we are so excited for him. This opportunity has been life changing for Mong and his family. Seng Somnang is in the second year of his Engineering degree. The extra English classes that we fund allowed Somnang to pass the English component of his first year. We will continue these English classes even though it is not required for his second year of uni.

Sok Mong

The groups and projects we support in Cambodia are doing an awesome job and continue to do so.

Kolab is one of the teachers at the Goodwill Center and she and her family also live in the village. Kolab takes care of the food drops each month and let's us know how the families are going. She also ensures that the children of these families attend the center in exchange for the food parcels.

One of the many projects we support, food drops to get kids to school

Concert Fundraiser

We have a huge musical event being organised for November.  Geordie Little, an Australian born German based artist will be playing at our local hall as part of his Australian regional tour. He will be supported by some local acts and there will be the usual delicious buffet dinner available. More on that soon.

Back to Cambodia

and then we're off to Cambodia in March 2017 after two years away. We need to ensure that all of the projects are running smoothly and touch base with everyone who assists us in Cambodia. It's also wonderful to see everyone again and spend some time with the children and teachers at the Goodwill Center.

Please be assured that we pay for all the airfares and accommodation ourselves from our own pocket making sure ALL donated funds are used to support the peoples and organisations we've targeted in Cambodia.  One donor has already indicated they would like to come with us us March, and we're more than happy for anyone who donates or helps out to come along, contact Toni to let her know if you're interested.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Lips 'n Sync a huge success

We were quite nervous before the event, as usual. We worry about getting the number of people required to make the effort of running the event worthwhile, whether we'll have enough food and if people will enjoy the evening. In hindsight we could have saved ourselves the concern because the night was such a fantastic success.

Lips 'n Sync

The acts for this year were:
  • Meatloaf's 'Paradise by the Dashboard light', Trevor and Toni
  • Tiny Tim by Bob Warner, tip toeing so gracefully, 
Bob tiptoeing gracefully !

  • Our very own twisted Laena covering Joni Mitchell's Twisted 

The effervescent Laena !

  • And the fabulous Rick and Phil as the equally fabulous Sonny and Cher. 

Phil (l) and Rick (r)


of the wonderful and hilarious acts


As usual the buffet was delicious and plentiful.  Supplied by members of the local Nymboida Community

Lillith checking on the food

We owe much to the people of Nymboida and surrounds.

Raffle Prizes

Thank you to all of the following local businesses for donations of raffle prizes:

  • Indigo Wolf Electrical, 
  • Nymboida Camping and Canoeing, 
  • Coutts Tavern

Come in winnner ! Blue 69 !

and a huge thank you to everyone who donated meals, all of the awesome acts and everyone who attended. Without your support we can't continue our projects in Cambodia. You are all such wonderfully generous people and we are proud to be a part of this community.

Enjoying the show !

Next Year

Start thinking about acts you might like to put in next year, it would be good to build on the numbers so let's get those thinking caps out of the back of the closet, dusted off, and firmly seated on your heads !

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You may not be able to see the videos if you received this via an email subscription to the web site, if so you just click through to the website here and watch the videos from there, or if you prefer reading this on the website instead.